Procedure of IVF Treatment in Mira Road
The process of IVF Treatment is one of the most scientifically advanced treatments where with the help of ART, oocytes (female eggs) are fertilized by injecting sperm inside the cytoplasm, this procedure is called ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Insemination. ICSI has the highest fertilization rate & hence provides the best success rates to patients undergoing IVF treatment.
How Much Does IVF Treatment Cost In Mira Road In 2022?
IVF treatment cost in Mira-Bhayandar, Mumbai ranges between Rs. 1.25 lakhs to Rs. 1.5 lakhs depending on the type & dosage of gonadotropins used. IVF treatment procedure is assisted reproductive technique where fertilization between eggs (oocytes) & sperm is carried out in IVF / Embryology lab, where embryo freezing is a totally separate procedure costing between Rs. 30,000/- to Rs. 40,000/- above depending on the number of embryos.
Step-By-Step IVF Treatment Process
Dr. Sheetal Pandey says that before undergoing IVF, couples must get sufficient information about the treatment. She suggests, that couples willing to go for IVF must talk to a doctor a month prior for pre-medications and get the necessary consultation.
In the video, Dr. Sheetal Pandey emphasizes that preparation month has got a lot much stuff to do for both male and female partners. For example, treating minor or major infections in the vaginal tract that could be treated with antibiotics, sperm samples, trial transfer, endometrial scratch, etc. The pre-IVF process is geared to increase the chances of conception rate.
Further Dr. Sheetal Pandey can be seen explaining the actual IVF process in detail. Since she has more than 10 years of experience as an Infertility specialist in Mira Road, she understands the level of mental and physical stress that patients undergo during IVF. Post IVF Procedure, she advises the patient to take adequate rest at home and carry on with the daily routine activity while taking care of diet.
Watch Dr. Sheetal Pandey talk about IVF and guiding through the entire treatment in a step-by-step process at her IVF clinic in Mira-road to overcome infertility.
As a patient at Veda Care, you can expect to receive tailor-made treatment and the highest quality of care for your IVF treatment.
Infertility Treatment at Mira Road, Mumbai

In this procedure, each egg is injected by one sperm with the help of an ICSI machine to fertilize the egg.

After ICSI procedure, oocytes are kept in the incubators, over time low oxygen pressure incubators (5%) are preferred as they lead to better blastocyst formation in comparison to higher pressure ones (20%). Embryos can be grown maximum upto blastocyst – day 5 in vitro. Depending on case specific decisions, oocyte & sperm quality, embryo performance, lab infrastructure, culture conditions embryos are cultured upto day 2 or day 3 or day 5.

Embryo transfer term is used to transfer the embryos back to the uterus with the intention of implantation. As discussed prior embryos are transferred on day 2 or 3 or 5. Day 5 embryos are known to give a higher success rate with an implantation rate of up to 50 – 60 percent per embryo. In cases of especially PCOS (polycystic ovary) & other conditions with early progesterone rise ( P4> 1.5 ng/ml) on the day of trigger injection, freezing all strategy is preferred which means freezing all embryos & not transferring an embryo in view of safety of the patient ( to prevent OHSS in PCOS) & better success rate.

Embryo freezing is a procedure where with the help of high-quality media embryos are stored in liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees. Generally, spare embryos left after the embryo transfer are frozen (cryopreserved) in view of in case the embryo transfer cycle turns negative, second attempt embryo transfer can be done without repeating the whole IVF procedure. IN freeze all cycles all embryos are cryopreserved/frozen to be transferred in a later cycle after preparing a good endometrium.

Luteal phase support is referred to a set of medications given after embryo transfer so as to help embryos to implant into the endometrium & further growth. Luteal phase medications include mainly Progesterone in therapeutic dosage, estrogen, folic acid, Vit B12, antioxidants, L arginine, ecosprin & selected cases are given Low molecular weight heparin ( LMWH) after 12 – 15 days of embryo transfer blood test beta HCG is done to confirm pregnancy.
Process Of IVF Treatment in Mira Road at Veda Care
A. Ovarian Stimulation –
At first female partner is given gonadotropin injections beginning mostly from the second day of menstruations after doing all necessary tests to confirm her fitness for the procedure. Gonadotropin injections are needed generally for 10 to 12 days to attain mature follicles which are confirmed by serial follicle studies done along. Apart from gonadotropins GnRH agonists or antagonist injections are given as per the protocol decided by the IVF doctor at Mira Road to suit a particular patient. Once follicles are ready, final injection for oocyte maturation is given which generally is HCG (human corionic gonadotropin) or injection gnRH agonist as per the protocol chosen. After final maturation injection which is commonly called trigger at 36th-hour oocytes are retrieved under anesthesia by transvaginal route under Transvaginal sonography ( TVS) guidance.

B. Ovum Pick Up –
FolliculFollicular fluid aspirated under TVS guidance with the help of a suction pump. The follicular aspirate is screened by the embryologist under stereo zoom microscope & OCC complex (Oocytes) searched & preserved followed by checking their maturity under a microscope after denudation. Oocytes are labeled as GV, MI, MII as per their maturity. MII oocytes are utilized for ICSI treatment & fertilization. GV & MI oocytes are not found to provide healthy embryos to conceive.
Complications in IVF Treatment

OHSS – ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) – it’s a common complication in cases of PCOS( polycystic ovarian syndrome) when stimulated for IVF, hence to reduce the risk of OHSS, IVF in PCOS & other high responder cases is converted into FREEZE ALL STRATEGY, Where after oocyte retrieval all embryos are frozen and transferred in a later cycle which reduces the risk of secondary OHSS nearly completely. OHSS is described as primary OHSS where patient symptoms like abdominal bloating & discomfort, nausea, constipation which last max 7 days and resolve on their own, where the patient is advised to increase liquids & keep a watch over her urine output. Primary OHSS is generally self-limiting. Where secondary OHss occurs after embryo implantation in PCOS patients. Freeze all strategy has completely eliminated the risk of OHSS.
There is minimal risk of accidental damage to the bowel, bladder, and vessels. Multiple pregnancies is another complication of IVF treatment, but chances of it are reduced by transferring less no. of embryos, blastocyst transfer has also limited the number of embryos for transfer and inturn multiple pregnancies.
Investigations Needed for IVF Treatment in Mira-Bhayandar, Mumbai
Post Treatment Precautions for IVF
1. Is IVF Treatment very Painful?
In IVF treatment only the gonadotropins injections given for follicular / egg growth are the painful part but with advanced technology, injections have become much less painful comparatively. Rest Ovum pick is done under sedation & embryo transfer is not a painful procedure.
2. Women undergoing IVF Treatment Finish up with their Eggs earlier! Myth or Reality?
It’s a myth, no matter what dosage of injections are given the eggs that are grown and taken out of the body are destined for that very menstrual cycle, it does not affect ovarian reserve.
3. Is Bed Rest required after IVF Cycle?
No bed rest is not needed post IVF treatment, the patient can do light activities like cooking etc & should avoid strenuous activity.
4. Patients conceiving with IVF Compulsorily need IVF to Conceive a Second Child?
It’s not true in every case, cases like tubal block, poor sperm count are cases who may require repeat IVF but other cases with hormonal issues like PCos, even endometriosis may conceive naturally if the disease is kept in control for the second child.
5. IVF Treatment requires Hospital Admission?
Most of the part of IVF treatment is opd basis – injections & sonography/ follicle study except for Egg pick up is a daycare admission where after opu, the patient is discharged in 4 to 6 hrs to home.